Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Find out how you can make Data work for you

Are you trying to figure out the best way to find trends and information regarding your website or business. Are you struggling to find out what you can do to improve your product or know how much people are interested in it, I mean truly interested in your product. Well, look no further as Google has all the solutions for you in a single platform called the Google Marketing Platform.

Well, there's so much cool tools that can be utilized but I am going to explain one of the many tools hoping you will see how cool this tool really is.

A useful tool that gives us real insights is their survey tool. Its really simple to use is their surveys. Once you design a survey based on questions, you can filter you're participants. Okay, Great, we have a survey ready but how would we get people to participate you ask. Well, people get incentives for their answers, which could be in the form of credit for google play or access to premium content. And Best part of all, you can start to see results within the first few hours. The survey tool provides you with real insights into how your product is doing and how people like it.

This platforms can help you gain all the insights into your website and applications. It helps you monitor the traffic in real time as well as providing you with insights on how you can help drive more traffic.


  1. Thank you! I'll be sure to use this tool for my business going forward.

  2. This is truly helpful for people that are new to these tools. Definitely assisted me
    Thank you


Find out how you can make Data work for you

Are you trying to figure out the best way to find trends and information regarding your website or business. Are you struggling to find ou...